Consulta a partir de uma credencial - access_token

POST at this target:


accessTokenUser access token


idThe ID of an object
dbIdIdentifies the primary key from the database.
emailUser's email
phoneUser's phone
fullnameUser's fullname
languageLanguage preference
tzOffsetThe time zone offset from UTC
documentNumberPersonal document number (CPF)
onboardingAppOnboarding on app step
onboardingSiteOnboarding on site step
loginMethodUsers can choose the way they will sign in
confirmEmailIf user confirmed email
confirmPhoneIf user confirmed phone number
emailNtfUser can be notify by e-mail
phoneNtfUser can be notify by phone
webNtfUser can be notify by web
ntfAnnouncementCan notify current viewer when there are announcements
ntfMessageCan notify when someone sends current viewer a message
ntfCommitmentRemindCan notify when current viewer has pending commitments
ntfReplyCan notify when someone replies to current viewer's message
ntfSurveyCan notify when someone responds current viewer's survey
ntfSurveyPendingCan notify when someone send reminder for current viewer's survey
ntfCommitmentCan notify when someone confirms current viewer's commitment
ntfChargeCan notify when someone pays current viewer's charge
ntfChargePendingCan notify when someone send reminder for current viewer's charge
ntfFormCan notify when someone fills current viewer's form
ntfFormPendingCan notify when form is pending
ntfUnreadCan notify when current viewer has unread messages
ntfArrivedCan notify when arrivals has update
codeUser oauth code to recover password
verifiedAddressCodeIf address code is valid, address is confirmed (just valid for phone yet)
nextFeedbackdate when user will receive pop up to give feedback
resendFeedbackUser should receive pop up to rate after seven days
needTermsreturn true when has terms notifications
termNotificationTerm Notification
shortnameUser shortname
hasPasswordHas password
shouldAskForPasswordShould ask to user to create a password
entitiesUser has many entities
addressesUser has many addresses
acceptedTermsUser has many accepted terms
invitationsUser has many invitations
applicationsApplications managed by the user
arrivedFilterFilters notifications and websocket messages from arrivals
conciergesConcierges filtered by the user
oauthProviderCurrent oauth provider tokens for user
oauthProvidersUser has many oauth
devicesUser has many devices
tagsTags from user
messageDraftsMessage drafts that belongs to entity
notificationsUser has many notifications
organizationsAll organizations user belongs to
feedbacksUser wrote many feedbacks
cardsAll cards user has
plansAll plans user has
vehiclesAll vehicles user has
entitiesWithArrivedEntities with organization arrived enabled
hasArrivedForStudentsDefine if arrived is shown for students of this user
createdAn ISO-8601 encoded UTC date string of when record was created
modifiedAn ISO-8601 encoded UTC date string of when record was updated
deletedAn ISO-8601 encoded UTC date string of when record was deleted
keyRandom ID to differentiate from others
selectedHelper field for clients
highlightedHelper field for clients
expandedHelper field for clients
loadedHelper field for clients
loadingHelper field for clients