List of all organizations

POST at this target:

NodesConnection Structure

It is basically array "things" such as a User, an Entity, a Group, an Organization
It represents the size of the Array nodes
the connections between those "things", such as User, an Entity, a Group, an Organization
The list of ids of the objects

Organization Input

isLiveFilter by live organizations
clientIs client
typeType of client
consultantIdConsultant entity id
planPlan of Organizaton
sizeRange of entities at the organization
hasSupportFilter by support enabled
integrationTimeFilter to integration time
hasActiveIntegrationFilter only organizations who has integrations
hasIntegrationFilter only organizations who has integrations
hasApplicationAccessFilter only organizations who has application access
integrationApplicationsFilter organizations by integrated systems
integrationModulesFilter organizations integrated modules
integrationStatusAndTypeFilter organizations by integration status
integrationLastRunStatusFilter organizations by integration last status run
integrationHasFeeFilter organizations by integration fee
integrationHasTermFilter organizations by integration term LGPD
integrationHasContractFilter organizations by integration contract


idThe ID of an object
dbIdIdentifies the primary key from the database.
typeType of organization
planPlan of organization
usernameunique username
fullnamedisplay name
colortheme color
linkurl for more info
tzOffsettimezone offset from UTC
confMessageMessage can be sent
confMessageStudentParent/student can send messages
confMessageStaffStaff can send messages
confMediaMedia can be sent
confAudioAudio can be sent
confAudioStudentAudio can be sent by students
confOtherFilesOther files can be sent
confCommitmentCommitment can be sent
confSurveySurvey can be sent
confReportReport can be sent
confChargeCharge can be sent
confChargeListCharge list can be showed for entities
confFormForm can be sent
confReplyStudentParent/student can send replies
confMediaStudentParent/student can send media
confTermsTerms that were accepted by the user
confPresencePresence can be sent
confAdminListShow admin list for staff
confRecurrenceOrganization has access to recurrrence module
confAnticipationDiscountAllow anticipation discount for charges
confFineAllow fine for charges
confInterestAllow interest for charges
confPaymentDetailsInboletoAllow boleto details for fine payments
confChannelMetricsParent/student can see channels metrics before sending messages
confArrivedIf arrived feature are enabled this sends true
confRepliesStudentCombined with confReplyStudent this tells if students can reply more than once time.
anticipationDiscountUntilNumber of days before the expiration of a charge that the discount is still applied
anticipationDiscountTypeType of the discount (percentange or amount)
anticipationDiscountValueDiscount value in percentage or total amount
fineStartNumber of days after the expiration of a charge that the fine should start
fineTypeType of the fine (percentange or amount)
fineValueFine value in percentage or total amount
interestStartNumber of days after the expiration of a charge that the interest should start
interestTypeType of the interest (percentange or amount)
interestValueinterest value in percentage or total amount
consultantIdconsultant entity id
clienttype of client
usageWhy this organization exists in ClassApp.
entryMethodentry method for organization
latitudelatitude of organization
longitudelongitude of organization
timezonebase timezone of organization
languagepreferred language
countrypreferred country
currencypreferred currency
ntfStartTimetime that users of this organization start to receive notifications
ntfEndTimetime that users of this organization start to receive notifications
ntfWeekDaysweek days that users of this organization receive notifications
legalNameOrganization legal name
taxIdCountry tax id (Brazil -> CNPJ or CPF) (US -> EIN)
phoneContact phone number
emailContact email address
addressStreetStreet address of the account holder
addressNumberAddress number of the account holder
addressComplementAddress complement of the account holder
zipCodeZip code of the account holder
neighborhoodNeighborhood of the account holder
addressStateabbreviated state of the account holder (ex: SP)
cityCity of the account holder
ntfWeekDaysArraydays of the week to receive notification
userUser who created organization
livelive in production = 1
supporthas support
featuresOrganization features based on plan
premiumPeriodUntil when the organization has the right to use premium features
acceptedTermsTerms who was created for organization
membershipEntities with users at the organization (members)
readingRateRate of messages read in organization
replyTimeStatsAverage reply time of staffs and admins in organization
monthlyMessagesCountNumber of messages sent by admins and staff to students this month in this organization
monthlyMessageQuotaNumber of messages that admins and staff can send per student monthly
dailyEntityMessagesMetricsMetrics from channels from the organization
dailyMessagesMetricsSummary metrics from channels from the organization
paymentStatsNumber of payments made to organization
logoLogo of organization page
coverCover of organization page
consultantconsultant entity
arrivalsOrganization arrivals
hasArrivedForStaffShould show arrived for staff
myEntitiesMy entities (user) inside organization
organizationInvoicesInformationsContains informations about organization invoices
financialInformationsThis contains some informations about payments on organization
entitiesEntities of organization
recipientTagsRecipient tags from organization
groupsGroups of organization
tagsTags from organization
linksLinks of organization
applicationAccessApplication access of organization
labelsLabels of an organization
reportsOrganization's report
formsOrganization's forms
accountsAll accounts in organization
collectionRuleorganization's collection rules
plansOrganization's plans
productsOrganization's products
messagesOrganization's messages
momentsOrganization's moments
messageDraftsMessage drafts that belongs to organization entities
commitmentsOrganization's commitments
chargeRecipientsCharge recipients made to organization
organizationBannersBanners in this organization
paymentsCharge payments made to organization
chargesCharges sent by organization
invoicesInvoices of the organization
webhooksOrganization's webhooks
isOnboardingIs the Organization Onboarding?
integrationIntegrations used by organization
withdrawalsOrganization's withdrawals
isDemonstrationIs the Organization on a Demonstration?
overdueInvoicesStatsOverdue invoices stats in the organization
integrationContractContracts of integrations used by organization
conciergesConcierges related to this organization
entitiesWithArrivedInfo about Arrived adhesion
productFeaturesProductFeatures enabled for an organization
hasProductFeatureFlag if an organization has a ProductFeature enabled
createdAn ISO-8601 encoded UTC date string of when record was created
modifiedAn ISO-8601 encoded UTC date string of when record was updated
deletedAn ISO-8601 encoded UTC date string of when record was deleted
keyRandom ID to differentiate from others
selectedHelper field for clients
highlightedHelper field for clients
expandedHelper field for clients
loadedHelper field for clients
loadingHelper field for clients